Photo of Paul Fenwick


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This site contains various pieces of writing across my various interests, and spanning several years. You can fork this site on github if you wish.

A venomous trip to the beach

A venomous trip to the beach
Yesterday was as beautiful summer day, with sunshine and clear skies — the perfect beachgoing weather. Being the holiday season, Jacinta, myself, our friend Kat and daughter Emily all headed off to Williamstown beach for the afternoon.

I had my snorkling gear with me, and went for a bit of a swim around the beach to see what I could find. I had a collection bag with me, mainly to pick up any rubbish found in the water, but also to collect anything particularly interesting that I may find.

My first trip back to shore had me arrive with a pretty sea-shell, which I proudly displayed and from which a small blue-ringed octopus emerged. Yes, within only a few minutes at the beach I had discovered one of Australia's most venomous marine species. Living in Australia is grand!

We all admired the octopus for a little while, and discussed how a single bite causes paralysis and respiratory arrest, and how there is no known antivenom. Indeed, our book on dangerous creatures claims that a single octopus contains enough venom to kill ten adults. An exciting find indeed.

Being careful to stay away from the biting end of the rather annoyed cephalopod, I walked back into the ocean and let it free. The colour changes were quite amazing to watch, the octopus went from an angry blue-ringed pattern to a gorgeous orange as it swam away.

The remainder of the snorkle had me discover a number of old bottles, a golf-ball, a puffer fish, and a skate (images). Overall a most rewarding day.

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Falling fruit-trees

Falling fruit-trees
Our favourite plum tree split into three this week. It seems that modern fruit-trees produce so much that they require human support and pruning in order to remain stable, and unless this conducted regularly they can produce so much fruit they'll just fall to pieces. Ours did exactly that.

Some time was spent with Jacinta, myself, and our helpful neighbours in hacking off large branches to reduce the weight, and then pushing the three parts of the tree back together, putting in supports, and binding the trunk. We now have probably only half the tree that we used to have, and a much greater chance of infection or future difficulties.

This is a real shame, as it's our favourite plum tree that normally allows me to subsist off nothing but fruit during the summer months. I suspect that come winter we'll be taking a more attractive approach to our pruning schedule.

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Real Work

Real Work
Spending this week and next week working for a client on a systems intergration project. It's real work, that involves waking up early, commute times, and sitting at a desk writing code. None of this sleeping in, long breakfasts, hanging out on #perl6, maybe writing a talk, maybe working on course notes, maybe chasing invoices or maybe going to the beach. It's not teaching either, with all the joys of continuous social interaction, subtle wit, and tricky questions. It's sitting down and writing code that is important, but dull.

Real work sucks.

The client doesn't suck. In fact, the client is quite nice, as evidenced by the number of their employees who read my journal. They pay their bills, are technically clueful, and form the basis of my 'good client' model in my talk on Starting an Open Source Business. I'm actually hoping they'll give me more work.

The plus side is that I've got an excellent excuse to go cycling twice per day, the work lands in the middle of our traditional 'quiet time' for training, and it helps pay the bills.

My feelings of patriotism has reached an all-time low. Racism in Australia has been getting steadily worse. No longer am I just having to put up with racism from taxi drivers, but it seems to have now reached a point where racial violence in Sydney regularly makes the front-page of newspapers. It even makes the front page of wikipedia for crying out loud!

I am ashamed and appalled at recent events.

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Pugs and ExtUtils::MakeMaker under Cygwin

Pugs and ExtUtils::MakeMaker under Cygwin
Decided to have a play with PUGS and immediately discovered that it wouldn't recognise my Haskell compiler (ghc). I'm using Cygwin, but ghc lives in Windows-land.

After a bit of digging, I discovered that Perl under Cygwin never thinks that a windows command (in /cygdrive/...) is executable, and so ExtUtils::MakeMaker simply thinks my Haskell compiler is an ordinary file, not something that can be executed.

After a little hacking, I raised bug #16375, which includes a patch that fixes the problem.

I still don't know whether or not I can get pugs to compile, but at least it now recognises my Haskell environment.

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My adventures at OSDC

My adventures at OSDC
This year's OSDC was about ten times better than last year's conference; primarily because I was not on the committee, and was therefore able to sleep during the preceeding weeks. I've had a very enjoyable time, and will try and jot down as much as I can remember.

Day 1
Jacinta, Adam Kennedy and myself all arrived bright and early for registrations, and discovered that everything seemed to be under control. I managed to catch up with a few old friends, work furiously on improvements to my slides, and act as a session chair on the Perl stream.

Adam gave an excellent talk on PPI, and after lunch I gave my talk on Presentation Mind Control. This looked like it went down extremely well, especially as afterwards I was approached by a number of people asking if I could present it at their local user-group/conference. I'm hoping these people will follow up with e-mail, as not everyone had a business card, and I didn't always have the opportunity to jot notes on the back.

We received lots of good feedback on our coffee mug design, which not only held more coffee than the conference cups, but also doubles as a regular expression reference.

The conference dinner was better than last year, and featured a light-hearted talk from Anthony Baxter on <strike>Presentation Mind Control</strike> Conference Presentation Humour, which luckily only had a very small overlap with my own talk.

Day 2
Being at a conference always makes me want to re-write my slides, ususlly because I've been exposed to better ideas, presentation styles, or running gags. As such, the early morning was spent frantically editing presentation materials. After morning tea I gave my second presentation, this time on Starting an Open Source Business. It was easy to spot the small-business owners in the audience — they were the ones who kept nodding, and who caught me afterwards to swap horror stories.

After lunch there was the first lightning talk session. Lightning talks are great. They're short, snappy, and have a low barrier to entry. I gave a quick demonstration of a minesweeper bot that I had finished the day before (and the source-code of which will be distributed soon), and a brief tour of Acme::ButFirst, which already had running gags even before I presented it. I'd really love to find a list of all the lightning talks somewhere, perhaps on a wiki somewhere that conference delegates can edit.

Audrey "Autrijus" Tang gave an excellent and entertaining presentation on PUGS. Despite having followed PUGS from a distance for some time, the presentation really helped make things click, and I even have the Glasgow Haskell Compiler downloading as I write this.

Jacinta gave her presentation on social networking, and ran a very successful networking BOF after Audrey's keynote. As a conseqence I have a stack of business cards as thick as my thumb.

Day 3
By the final day of the conference it was clear that getting more sleep would have been a good idea. Exciting talks of the day included a presentation by Audrey on Learning Haskell, and one from Scott Penrose on working with Gumstix embedded devices. Along with Jon Oxer's keynote on the first day regarding hardware hacking, I'm begining to regret my lack of electronics skills, although this should be easily fixed. RFID enabled chickens and coop should be a fun project.

During the lightning talks I presented on using strict, and a very short piece on Games::EverQuest::LogLineParser, which was really an excuse for me to talk like a pirate in front of an audience. What was scary is the number of Python/Twisted people who grabbed me afterwards and started conversations with "Ahoy m'hearty!"

The day ended with a keynote from the Waughs, and a trip down to the pub for drinks. Given how little sleep we'd been getting, Jacinta and myself left relatively early to get some rest. Adam arrived home not long afterwards, and we spent the evening playing games and watching some very wrong animated reality-TV show that Adam had dug up from somewhere.

I've now got a very long list of e-mails to send, presentations to revise, code to release, or documentation to review. If you're on this list (or think you should be), then sending me an e-mail is a great reminder.

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