Photo of Paul Fenwick


Welcome to my home on the internet! Everything here is free under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license unless marked otherwise.

This site contains various pieces of writing across my various interests, and spanning several years. You can fork this site on github if you wish.

Domain name scams

Domain name scams
Every once in a while some business sends out a bunch of (dead-tree) mails trying to get Australian domain holders to renew their domain (which isn't expiring) or register a new domain (which is similar or a typo of their old domain), usually at ridiculous prices. It's usually the same people running these scams, but they just register a new company every time.

AuDA, the Australian Domain name Authority, likes to send out consumer alerts about these sorts of things. Unfortunately, they're not real good about limiting their e-mails to one per customer. If one happens to have registered a lot of domains, then one can awake discovering an inbox filled with warnings from AuDA. Thanks AuDA...

The dispute that we were having with one of our vendors is now cleared. Actually, it cleared pretty much the day after it started, with the vendor calling me, putting forward some rubbish story about how pressing one button constitutes $180 worth of work, and then breaking down and offering me exactly the same deal I was about to propose (and had already written into a letter and was about to fax). I like it when people are sensible enough to save both their time and mine.

Going to visit the dentist today, she's going to put some minor fillings in my teeth, and in return I'm going to give her a deposit on her new sportscar.

Surprisingly I feel rather pleased with this state of affairs, as I get to keep all my wisdom teeth. Three of them have come through perfectly, and while the last is on a slightly strange angle, it's not causing any problems.

I don't know why, but the fact that my wisdom teeth are fine seems to cause no end of worry for my dentist. "Yes, they're perfectly fine, but if you do decide that you want them taken out, just book an appointment."

What happens if I don't get them taken out? Well, because they're right up the back they're harder to brush, and I may get a cavity. Somehow I'm much more comfortable with giving my dentist a car-deposit for a filling, rather than a house-deposit to go under general anesthetic and have my back teeth pulled out with pliers and commercial cutting equipment.

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Book Review

Book Review
Looks like I'm going to be reviewing a book. That's nothing to write home about, everyone has to review books in high-school. However this book hasn't been published yet, so that makes it special. In addition, it's a book that I've been really looking forward to reading, and from an author I really like. That makes it doubly special.

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Business advice

Business advice
Today I had the dubiously satisifying experience of catching one of our vendors telling an outright lie. I even told the vendor that their story did not match my understanding, that I would independently verify their claims, and that maybe I had misunderstood what they were saying and I'd be happy for them to clarify. Sure enough, they repeated the same position.

I tried to give them a way out, I really did. Now they're going to need to find some way to either escalate matters further, or retreat without losing too much face.

Here's some advice if you're in business, or looking to go into business. Everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay to admit that you're wrong. If you are so ethically bankrupt that you're going to tell a lie to try and cover bogus charges, then at least tell one that the other party can't easily disprove.

Our vendor is either ignorant, stupid, or immoral. All are good reasons to cease doing business with them.

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Spyware scare

Spyware scare
Aside from all the regular tools that get run to protect Windows machines from malicious code, I also like to do a visual inspection of what processes are running.

Last night I had something of a fright when I found a process called PRONoMgr.exe running. I thought that had to be something dodgy, and I was expecting an unhappy evening of machine sanitisation.

Turns out, the PRONoMgr.exe is the Intel PRO Network object Manger. Despite sounding like something that would redirect your browser to an unsavoury destination, it actually looks after the wireless network card. Thanks, Intel.

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Chickens and foxes

Chickens and foxes
It's been months since we've seen any sign of the fox, so I figured that the new chicken pen was doing its job. Sure, a fox could go all the way around the block and jump the back fence, but no fox would ever go to all that trouble, would it?

Two nights ago, the fox did indeed go to all the trouble of running around the block and over the back fence. It tried to take a bite out of one of our chickens, who understandably raised a mighty squark!

It seemed that no sooner had I heard the cry that I had jumped out of bed, ran through the yard, chased off the fox, and rescued our chicken from the water bucket in which she had landed. Jacinta was kind enough to arrive a few seconds later with a dressing gown.

So at 3am in the morning I found myself smelling of wet chicken and nursing our oldest and favourite chook (Phoenix) back to health. Luckily the fox seemed to get a mouthful of feathers but not much else, and the chook's injuries were superficial. We suspected internal injuries for a while (laboured breathing, coughing and gurgling), but in hindsight she probably just inhaled some water from her drinking bucket.

Today our injured chicken looks and acts like all the rest, although maybe with a few less feathers on one side when she lifts her wings. We're spending the weekend errecting wire across the back fence to finish fox-proofing the pen.

One of our suppliers has just invoiced us for work performed over a year ago (and which we've already paid for), and for work that we explicitly asked them in writing not to do. I suspect they had simply forgotten we were a client of theirs until we called to obtain some paperwork from them; it appears they have now gone into a flurry of rememberance and catch-up. The bothersome thing is that they don't seem particularly eager to provide the paperwork I'm after until the 'new' bills have been paid.

I'll be addressing the issues on Monday to see if we can come to a resolution. I don't anticipate too many problems, as we have an excellent trail of paperwork, and a fairly clear and straightforward legal remedy if no understanding can be reached.

The best thing about straightforward legal remedies is that they work extremely well even if you never have to use them. They don't even need to be mentioned. The confidence of having one available means a much more stable platform from which to conduct negotiations, and very often that's all which is required. Most disputes seem to arise out of ingorance or incompetance, and these require more patience and persistance than the intervention of an Ombudsman, or a ruling from a tribunal. Still, it's good to know the option exists should we ever need it.

I was teaching last Thursday and Friday, my class was an interesting mix from government, telecommunications, and outsourcing firms.

Thursday night and morning I spent with a sore throat that left me almost speechless. I was worried this would impact my teaching on Friday, but a big box of throat lozenges managed to keep me vocal throughmost of the day. Feedback from the course was extremely good, with a number of students hanging around afterwards seeking to burn their training budgets and asking what would be the best courses to continue their Perl education.

Today (Saturday) I instead have a stuffy nose and groggy head, and have spent a lot of time sleeping. However a small dose of medicine, a good espresso, and a chocolate coated orange slice seems to have improved my condition greatly, so I should be able to continue working on the chook-pen and do some more last-minute editing of a conference paper before bed.

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