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I've installed peep, and I must admit, it's rather cool.
Now a variety of different birds chirp away when we see web-traffic, and the species of bird depends upon what website is being viewed. Frogs croak when we see bounced mail, birds warble when legitimate mail is received, and doves coo when we receive spam.
As the CPU load increases the faint tinkling of a brook increases into the roar of a river, the sound of crickets is used to indicate the strength of inbound traffic, and the sighing of the wind for outbound traffic.
A goose can be heard in the distance in the case of changed disk SMART reporting, and a rooster crows (quite noticably!) in the case of a more serious error.
The surprising thing is, this isn't distracting. It instead forms a nice calming background of sounds. In fact, it's much more disturbing when I don't hear anything. It certainly makes a nice change to the background of whirring fans.
Writing new clients for peep also provides to be quite straightforward, although the documentation on many of the options could certainly be improved. I also tweaked the server's code in a few places, so it no longer wired-in that it binds to all interfaces on a machine, or broadcasts its presence.
One thing that I do need are more sounds. I may go looking for them should I ever find myself with a spare moment.
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