Amusing Food
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Amusing Food
Found on the back of a Turkish delight packet:
Turkish Delight is the pearl of the Desert Art and an old culture as old as Anatolian History.
Turkish Delight is a kind of food with sugar that can not be given up for people who live in Anatolia and foreigner who has a chance of tasting this desert once,
Turkish Delight was remembered with the MASTER who made it.
Recently, it is known with the brand of USAS.
One of the most important reason of this is our firm gives attention to hygiene while producing. We take pains do not change its natural taste while adding flavour.
Turkish delight need some experience and discipline. We add new sorts and tastes by day by and we proud of being primary and unique organization that has a studies of creating a clear situation for producing Turkish Delight.
Well, I'm certainly relieved that Usas gives attention to hygiene while producing.
Pictures of our Dandelion Wine are available. It looks just like regular wine, only yellow. Now we only have to wait another six months for it to mature.
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