The night before OSDC

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The night before OSDC
Well, this is it. After many months of planning, OSDC (aka YAPC::AU) is finally happening, tomorrow. The committee will be starting setup at 7am, and that includes Jacinta and myself. Tomorrow will be ending after the dinner, I'll be drinking a lot of coffee tomorrow.

Today was spent doing day-before setup at the facility, putting up signs, installing computers, and testing that Frozen Bubble works on the huge overhead projectors with thumping sound systems. Perhaps I could challange Damian or Gnat to a game of Frozen Bubble as a lightning talk? Perhaps all the stress of conference organising is finally sending me fruity.

For my part, I have everything ready, except for the traditional things, like my presentation and keynote introductions. At least this is one conference where I won't need to pack a huge box of business cards -- as Perl Training Australia are sponsors, everyone will be getting a business card in their conference pack.

I've got a bunch of photos of setup and organisers (while they're still smiling!). They'll be going up when I get a a free moment with connectivity and no pressing tasks.

Scuba Gear
Big box of scuba gear arrived the other day. Getting it through customers was interesting, they wanted to know what a 'tank bhan-ger' was used for. Eventually (when I found my order sheet) I realised it was a 'tank bang-er'. After a few more difficulties (why would you want to bang your tank?) I communicated it was an underwater signalling device,

After the conference I'm looking forward to popping down to Portsea for a day or two in order to test out all the new gear. We've got some wonderfully over-engineered lights (primary filament, backup filament, backup light, and locator light), so I'm really looking forward to a night dive if we can squeeze one in.

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