Appropriate journals for layperson Perl articles.
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Appropriate journals for layperson Perl articles.
I'm writing a paper and presentation for the SAGE-VIC Symposium to be held on the 11th March. I'm giving a talk on web development, particularly on how to be lazy and get HTML::Mason to do all the hard work for you.
The presentation comes with a paper for the proceedings, and the whole thing is squarely aimed at a technical audience, but not one that necessarily knows Perl. The paper itself will be a few thousand words, and besides from being suitable for conference proceedings, I feel it could also easily be turned into a journal article.
My problem is now which journals to approach. I'd normally have a chat to TPR, TPJ and; however, I can't help feeling that readers of these publications will find themselves getting to the end of the article and wondering what happened to all the Perl content.
The article could be suitable for a more mainstream software development magazine, but I'm really at a loss as to which ones to approach. I rarely find myself with the time to read 'general developer' periodicals, even though we have picked up a few subscriptions along the way.
Since one of my goals is to improve the awareness of Perl in Australia and New Zealand, I'll probably start with some of the local publications first. However I'm quite open to suggestions at this stage.
I suppose that what I really should be doing is concentrating on finishing the paper and slides, rather than worrying about the medium-term uses of the work. After all, the conference is barely three weeks away.
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