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I've got a half finished journal entry that covers the last few weeks of time, and it will be posted soon. In the meantime I want to discuss just this week, during which I've bumped into a large amount of good luck. This isn't the garden variety good luck, like finding a few dollars in the street, or rolling doubles in Monopoly. This is the really agressive type that calls persistently and leaves you reminders to make sure you're taking advantage of it.
The first bit of luck was getting Perl Training Australia to accept Amex cards. It wasn't pure luck, since I used some very gentle techniques to help move along the paperwork (thank-yous and recommendations up to managers), but I got an incredibly fast response time on our application. That includes one customer service representative travelling to my house to fill in paperwork, despite it being her day off and having a flight to Hawaii leaving in a few hours.
Luck number two involved a small side-project of mine changing their conditions to be about $75 USD/month in my favour. Small, but nice.
However the really big hunk of luck is with our facilities providers. I don't know why this week was special, but they've decided to start a price-war for our business. We're not talking about a few hundred dollars here and there. We're saving thousands of dollars. In fact, there are two prices wars in different cities. Competition is a truly wonderful thing.
3 Myths That Block Progress For The Poor
The belief that the world can’t solve extreme poverty and disease isn’t just mistaken. It is harmful. Read more...
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