OSDC Day 2
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OSDC Day 2
I missed the first half the day, as I had stayed up very
late the night before and slept in. It seems I wasn't the
only one who wanted an extra snooze.
I spent most of the day in the Hallway Track, speaking with people and catching up on events. A notable exception was the lightning talks, which are always worth seeing at OSDC. José encouraged everyone to start use.perl journals as a way to attract more international speakers, and singled me out as an example. Whether I'm a good example or a bad one, I don't quite know.
I'm presently working on my talks for tomorrow, including both a lightning talk and my main presentation. I've also discovered I need to think more about my talk titles for multi-track conferences. A title like Human Interfaces for Geeks works great for a single-stream, but I feel isn't catchy enough to attract the crowd I'd like when competing with multiple streams. Next year I'll have to use a title like Robotic Ninja Pirates.
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