Holy web 2.0 Batman! I've been dugg!
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Holy web 2.0 Batman! I've been dugg!
Woke up today to discover an unusually large number of comments on my talk on fixing the web with greasemonkey posted to youtube. I figured that the video had been indexed somewhere, similar to the rush of views it saw when it was submitted to stumble-upon.
I discovered I'd been dugg.
Quite amusingly rather than my blog entry on the talk being dugg, or my posting on youtube, it was a copy of the video on 5min.com that was getting all the attention. I didn't even know 5min.com existed, or that my material had been posted there. Regardless, I was happy for the attention.
With maybe 500 people in the audience at linux.conf.au, 8,500 hits on youtube, and 21,000 hits(!) on 5mins, I'm guessing I've managed to absorb more than two person-months of audience time. For a three-and-a-half minute talk, I'm pretty pleased.
I've got a bunch of other talks I've been meaning to put on-line for a while now, but given the amazing response to this one, I think I'll be starting with my other lightning talks.
3 Myths That Block Progress For The Poor
The belief that the world can’t solve extreme poverty and disease isn’t just mistaken. It is harmful. Read more...
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