Be cool and join ohloh
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Be cool and join ohloh
Ohloh is a website that tracks open source projects. It looks at source code, prepares metrics, and draws lots of pretty graphs. It's great if you want to compare your favourite languages, or see how a codebase changes over time, or see how often you commit to various projects. Like anything web 2.0 these days, it has ways of making friends and rating people and projects.
However, like most things I write about, ohloh has a serious problem. Put simply, it has me listed as the seventh highest committer in the open source world for projects written in Perl this quarter.
This, of course, is complete bollocks. Sure, I write a lot of Perl, but only when I'm at work, travelling, at a Perl conference, at home, or waiting for a bus. There are lots of people out there who write way more code than I do, but they're not listed on ohloh.
So, how can you correct this terrible state of affairs? Well, firstly you can get yourself an ohloh account. Go poking around and claim all the commits you've made on various projects; you may be surprised how many you have, and instead of ohloh thinking of you has half-a-dozen cool people, it'll think of you as one amazing person. Once you've done that, you won't be happy with your score, so go and add any projects to which you've done anything at all to ohloh. Claim those commits. Rinse, repeat.
Before long, you'll have a massive kudos score, and you can show off to all the kids on #moose about how amazing you are. The Moose folk are really impressed by ohloh statistics; that's why so many Moose contributors are in the Perl top contributors list.
And yes, I've already got an account.
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