autodie 1.99 stable released - codename jarich
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autodie 1.99 stable released - codename jarich
I said that I'd get a stable release of autodie out before OSCON. Since OSCON starts in 5 hours, and I intend to use all that time for sleeping, that means it's being released right now.
After 243 commits since project inception, and three and a half months of work, the first stable release of autodie is making its way to the CPAN. This is not marked as a developer release, so you'll be able to install it using the regular CPAN installer, or dh-make-perl, or whatever other tools you prefer to use to manage your modules.
The observant reader will notice this is a 1.99 release, but I've occasionally bandied around the phrase "autodie - It's Fatal 2.0". The 1.99 release is because I expect to get feedback, patches, and bug-swatting done over OSCON, so the hallowed 2.0 version will appear after the 1.99 release has run the gauntlet of being (ab)used by my peers.
That's not to say the 1.99 release isn't good. It's awesome. autodie has already gone through eight dev releases, as well as being used on my own systems. Go and use it.
Note that autodie does overpower (and on some systems, overwrite) the version of that comes with Perl. Some of the internal interfaces of Fatal have changed to support new functionality. If you've been calling internal Fatal subroutines (ie, things not documented in perldoc Fatal), then you may wish to hold off until the 2.00 release.
The 1.99 release codename is "jarich", after Jacinta "jarich" Richardson, who pretty much gave up an entire week of her time assisting me with talk preparations for OSCON, and doing practically nothing else. Jacinta, you rock.
For those of you at OSCON, I'll be doing a short talk on autodie at the Perl lightning talks, including showing off some of the cool features like building your own language packs and exception systems.
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