UK and Ireland thank-yous
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UK and Ireland thank-yous
I've spent the last few days travelling around the UK and
and it's just been lovely. By far one of the nicest things
travelling is the hospitality and generosity of the Perl
and so I want to take a moment to say thank-you to a few special
people who made my travels so enjoyable.
Thank-you to Drew, Kimberley, and Samantha for giving up their home in Dublin, driving around two crazy Australians, and picking us up when we get completely lost. An extra special thanks to Kimberley for some amazing cooking; it's not every day that we get to stay with a professional chef!
Thank-you to Murray and Becky for giving us booze, conversation, lodging, and wifi in their most amazing Edinburgh home. I really wish I got to spend more time in Edinburgh; both the city and its people are beautiful, and haggis is plentiful and tasty.
Thank-you to Andy Armstrong for driving us around the spectacular English countryside, putting us up for the night (and sleeping on the couch!), and then driving us on to Darlington. Given the cost of trains in the UK, Andy saved us a small fortune. Particular thanks goes to Andy for the trip to Hadrian's Wall and Vercovicium, which was spectacular!
Thank-you to my Great Aunt Jennie, who isn't at all involved in the Perl community, but gave us lunch, tea, great conversation, and acted as a guide for many miles of walking and photography around Darlington.
Thank-you to the charity shop five minutes walk from Great Aunt Jennie's house, which had an almost complete Space Hulk 1st Edition set with expansion cards for only £1.50.
Thank-you to Smylers, for putting us up in Leeds, and in particular for putting up with me running off around the city with my pirate friends.
Finally, thank-you to Léon Brocard for organising a meeting, and for Piers Cawley for the lift to the airport.
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