Perl 5.10.1 released

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Perl 5.10.1 released
I have a commitment to blog about Perl every week, and this week I was really worried about what I'd write. I've just returned from five weeks of International travel, and my scant time back in Melbourne has been spent taking photos at Manifest, rather than working on anything technical.

It's good that I haven't done anything newsworthy, because it would be completely over-ridden by the news that Perl 5.10.1 has been released. This release has a special place in my heart, as 5.10.1 includes autodie as a core module, and as most of you know, I'm very fond of autodie.

I'm in the process of writing a "What's New in Perl 5.10.1" summary, which will appear as a Perl Tip in the next couple of days. Subscribe by e-mail, Atom, or Facebook if you want to see the tip as soon as it goes out.

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